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Expanding Mantova's participation in Mexico

Expanding Mantova's participation in Mexico

In the last week of February, Mantova's sales manager is visiting Mexico, with the objective of strengthening ties with current customers and expanding Mantova's participation in the country.

Doing business with Mexico, which is one of the most competitive countries for investments thanks to its size and strength in the market, is quite a challenge.

The country has become a manufacturing base, with strong links to consumer economies in North and South America. Mexico also offers a strategic location, close to the main centers of consumption in the world, allowing companies to respond quickly to changes in demands .

Brazil and Mexico are the largest international investors in the region. The two countries have dense and significant economic-trade relations.

Mantova strives to consolidate a mature and high-level bilateral relationship with Mexico, based on the understanding that Brazil and Mexico can act in a coordinated manner.

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