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Games and lots of entertainment marked Mantova Children's Day

Games and lots of entertainment marked Mantova Children's Day

The recreational area of Capela Santo Antônio, in the Santa Fé neighborhood of Caxias do Sul, was the stage for another edition of Mantova Children's Day, a social action promoted by Mantova, since 2005, together with the Municipal Elementary School Manoel Pereira dos Santos, which brings together around 350 students between four and 15 years old. Lots of music, educational activities, games, face painting, balloon sculpture, inflatable toys and delicious snacks marked October 20th, in a celebration that has already become traditional for the company and the educational institution.

The initiative takes place once a year, benefiting the same school, due to its proximity to Mantova, further strengthening relationships with employees, family and friends. “With each edition, new things appear. Students and their parents await the event with anticipation. Mantova is a great partner of Manoel Pereira dos Santos School”, says the deputy director of the morning shift, Rosane Adami. “The personalized t-shirts worn on the day of the action are considered a second uniform for the students. They love to participate”, adds teacher and deputy director of the afternoon shift, Roberta Fontana.

The opinion is shared by 5th year classmates, Isabele Brando, 11 years old, and Sophia Rodrigues, 10 years old. “We always meet new people and make new friends. It’s a lot of fun,” they say. For Ana Luiza de Chagas, 14 years old, in the 9th year, who has been following the program since 2014, the attractions get better with each edition. “We wondered what the surprise would be and, to make things better, the sunny day also helped”, she says with joy. It is the first time that Mantova carries out social action in an open space. “Mantova teachers and employees are engaged in the project, which also raises awareness and supportive attitudes, helping to transform these children into responsible adults. The results motivate us to continue and make the event even better”, says director Afonso Vicenzi.

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