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Mantova has been closely monitoring the coronavirus outbreak around the world, and especially in Brazil. At this time, companies have enormous responsibility and can take important measures, either to help fight the spread of the virus or to share credible information.

As a way of preventing the risks of contamination and spread of the coronavirus, Mantova's activities will follow the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health:

- suspension of national and international travel;

- making hand sanitizer available to everyone;

- reinforcement of hygiene and asepsis of shared spaces;

- cancellation of presential meetings and restricted access for in-person visits;

- guidance for frequent hand washing and care when coughing and sneezing;

- periodic dissemination of information and guidance on the prevention of Covid-19;

- anticipation of the flu vaccination campaign;

- time off to employees who show symptoms of the virus for home isolation.

In view of the increasing spread of the virus in Brazil, Mantova will take the necessary steps to maintain the care and commitment to the health and well-being of its employees, family members and the community in general.

At the moment, Mantova normally continues with its administrative, productive, commercial and logistical activities, in compliance with the highlighted recommendations. As the scenario requires, these measures may be changed.

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