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Encouraging professional training reinforces one of Mantova's main differentials in the market

Encouraging professional training reinforces one of Mantova's main differentials in the market

Mantova recognizes in its employees one of the biggest and most significant differentials of its success in the market: having a well-structured and high-level team, capable of guaranteeing product innovation, processes, and personal development.

Therefore, the choice of professionals suitable for hiring, added to the encouragement and support of their technical improvement and training, solidifies the company, considered a reference in the manufacture of technical plastic tubes and connections in Latin America. This scenario reiterates the purpose of encouraging the constant improvement of the team by financially supporting courses related to business management and the role performed by each employee. “We value since the conclusion of High School, Technical and Higher Education with the incentive of up to 100% of the total value for those who have been with the company for more than one year”, reinforces Natália Silva, responsible for the Human Resources sector.

With the objective of developing individual skills and providing support to the business areas, the HR sector structures and offers internal courses, or in partnership with educational institutions. Employees can also indicate the training that best fits their profile and needs, when HR - together with the leaders - identifies and researches related courses, in addition to defining the resources that will be applied, according to the company's strategic planning. company.

The consequences of the pandemic, which impacted the world economy, conditioned Mantova to reorganize its priorities, always focused on the health and safety of teams and meeting the demands of such a competitive market. And to contribute to the training of everyone who is part of the company is to believe in its commitment to quality.

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