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Development of polyurethane for antiviral surfaces

Development of polyurethane for antiviral surfaces

Mantoflex, a company of Mantova group, specialized in the manufacture of polyurethanes, will develop a new antiviral polymer that can be used on various types of surfaces such as masks, air filters, handrails, door handles, elevators, footwear, hospital equipment, both indoors and outdoors.

The material developed is also expected to be effective in the treatment of other infectious diseases caused by viruses, such as the H1N1, and by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, having medium to long-term action, without the need for constant asepsis, such as today it is performed.

Along with the individual protective equipment, this material could become a new tool against the spread of Covid-19 and other pandemics, being a safe solution for places with large circulation of personnel such as gyms, hospitals, hotels, roads, and airports.

The increase in the number of microbial infections, including the recent coronavirus outbreak, has been the subject of discussions by the authorities, the public and private sectors, and the scientific community. The use of antimicrobial surfaces is an additional safety measure to prevent the spread of these pathogens through contaminated surfaces, which represent the form of secondary transmission of infections.

The polymer development will be carried out through a project approved in the FINEP 03/2020, in which Mantoflex will lead the work with the participation of researchers from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS). The amount invested will be applied in the manufacture of the first batches of this material, validation of antiviral efficiency both in the laboratory and in the field, monitoring the release rate and assessing the environmental impact of the product.

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