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Mantova and SENAI form an alliance to accelerate Industry 4.0

Mantova and SENAI form an alliance to accelerate Industry 4.0

Mantova and SENAI announced a partnership focused on Lean Manufacturing, quality and productivity, strengthening the digitization of the company's infrastructure and Industry 4.0 practices.

In July, Mantova was approved to participate in the ROTA 2030 Program, which is part of the strategy developed by the Federal Government, for the development of the automotive sector in the country, which aims to expand the global insertion of the Brazilian automotive industry, through export of vehicles and auto parts.

This project aims at empowering the company in Lean concepts, which try to eliminate waste and optimize processes, providing increased flexibility and productive capacity. The goal is to eliminate excess handling, reduce waiting times between processes and increase productivity by 20%.

Its initial focus will be the thermoforming process, which is responsible for the manufacture of spirals supplied to the automotive line. After completing this step, the practices will be reproduced for the other processes.

Mantova dedicates its efforts to raise the quality of its products, to continuously improve its processes, in order to guarantee the satisfaction of its customers.

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