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Mantova receives Renewable Energy Certificate 2022

Mantova receives Renewable Energy Certificate 2022

A reference in the manufacture of plastic tubes and connections, Mantova won the 2022 Renewable Energy Certificate. The distinction is because the company has reduced the emission of 139.40 tCO2 (tons of CO2) of greenhouse gases through the use of electricity generated from renewable and incentivized sources.

The certification was granted by COMERC Energia, in association with Sinerconsult Consultoria Treinamento e Participações Ltda, which developed, in 2009, a methodology to identify the contribution obtained in the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG), due to the choice of clean energies. The verified values are expressed in the certificate delivered to Mantova, accompanied by a report, in addition to quantifying the company's contribution to GHG reduction, serving as an incentive for organizations to engage in sustainable options in the development of their businesses.

The methodology applied by COMERC-Sinerconsult adheres to the principles of the GHG Protocol, as well as the certificate complies with the governance fundamentals of the ISO standard and the emission quantification methodologies of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The criteria defined by the certification comply with the principles of Relevance, Comprehensiveness, Consistency, Transparency and Accuracy, concepts provided for in the most diverse references, accepted internationally as recommended practices. Therefore, the consolidated results can be used as part of initiatives related to the Environment, Social and Governance of COMERC-Sineconsult clients, such as Mantova, together with projects such as the Carbon Disclosure Project and the Bovespa Corporate Sustainability Index.

“Sustainable practice is our commitment and strategic principle. Our employees are already fully aware of the importance of caring for and preserving the environment. Receiving the 2022 Renewable Energy Certificate fills us with pride and confirms that we are on the right path”, highlights director Afonso Vicenzi.


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